You are In Control of  Your Life

Helping  you  to  remain  independent, manage  what  you  need  help managing, letting  you  decide  how  and  when  you  receive  help

Cherish offers excellence in Community First Services and Supports,  and other supported living services designed to help you to live where you choose with appropriate services to assure your health and safety.


It's Your LIFE.

You are in control

You choose the employees you want to work in your home.

We're here to help.

                                                         Join Our Team


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2024 Cherish News

Cherish wages are directly related to the MN Legislatively mandated reimbursement rates.  We believe you are worth far more.  To influence the reimbursement rate contact your legislators.

Employee Payroll Forms & Payroll Information


2900 E Beltline Suite #8
Hibbing, MN  55746

(218) 263-9000

Cherish Employees if you would like more hours please call Charlene at (218) 263-9000 - We have permanent and temporary positions available.

Cherish Policies & Proceedures


couple with homemaker

We would love to have you join our team!

Contact:  (218) 263-9000