A PCA / Independent Living / Home Management Agency
If you are interested in a rewarding career working
on the Cherish team,
please send, e-mail or FAX your resume -
contact us.
Current Employment Opportunities
Multiple openings for Direct Service Staff in many areas of the Arrowhead Region - contact
FAX resumes to (218) 263-8336 - General HR contact
If you have a consumer who you already know wants to hire you, please note the consumer's name on your application, so we can start the complete employment process quickly.
Cherish wages are directly related to the MN Legislatively mandated reimbursement rates. We believe you are worth far more. To influence the reimbursement rate contact your legislators
Cherish Pay Rates Effective 1/1/2024*
* Wages will be reflected on your 1/26/2024 pay check
Minimum wage in Minnesota is $10.85 per hour
Direct Caregivers $16.50 - $17.00 per hour
Home Management Staff $16.50 per hour
In Home Support Staff Without Training Staff $16.50 per hour
Night Supervision Staff $16.50
ICLS Staff $20.00
In Home Support Staff with Training $22.00 per hour
Respite Staff $16.50 per hour, or per diem rate depending upon service authorization
PCA Choice Staff - in accordance with Union Contract
For more information see Cherish policy on wages and conditions of employment
Effective Jan. 1, 2024, Employee Sick and Safe Time (ESST) will begin to accrue at the rate of one hour per 30 hours worked. You may use time that you have accrued if you are sick, it is not Paid Time Off and it is not paid out when you leave Cherish. Your accrual caps at 48 hours. PCA Choice employees are not covered under this program because the Union Contract covers ESST requirements. Sick and safe time is paid leave employers must provide to employees in Minnesota that can be used for certain reasons, including when an employee is sick, to care for a sick family member or to seek assistance if an employee or their family member has experienced domestic abuse.
Sick and Safe Time Request Form (for direct care staff - not PCA Choice)
PTO Request Form for PCA Choice
Electronic Timecards submitted daily
Employees may work up to 40 hours in a week
Employees MAY NOT exceed 40 hours in a work week without prior approval from their
Employees may not exceed 40 hours per week without prior authorization
from Cherish H.R. Dept.
MN DHS prohibits a CFSS Staff from working more than 310 hours per month.
A person must complete standardized CFSS training to satisfy Minnesota law before becoming an employee
The DHS training is available to anyone. Training:
Is free to the public
You can take the test as many times as you want - but you must pass before you can be an employee.
When you apply please note on your resume if you have education or
expertise related to our services.
some employees are paid more when they come to us with CNA registration,
other training and/or 5+ years documented experience.
You must be able to pass a background check to work at Cherish
DHS disqualification can last for seven years or more, depending upon the offense Disqualification Time Periods
Legal Aid information about disqualification
Request for reconsideration of disqualification
DHS Reconsideration Information
All information available in other formats: ie: large print, audio tape, translated into other languages, etc... If you require an accommodation because of disability please let Cherish staff know. Cherish as a recipient of Federal and Minnesota financial assistance does not exclude, deny benefits to or otherwise discriminate against any person because of race, color, national origin, disability or age in admission, participation in programs, services, or in employment.